There'e nothing to warm the soul like a giant pile of veggies covering a small nest of noodles, and that's exactly what so many of my stir frys turn out to be. This is just another one of those, only this is my first stir fry with five spice tofu. It's really good stuff- I love the texture. Although, for some reason this dish tasted quite salty, and I think the tofu was the culprit.

Honestly, now I know what sleep deprivation feels like. I've got two major tests tomorrow, and that's so not cool. I don't know how so many of my buddies are living off of only a couple hours' sleep every night, but they are. I suppose it's because they don't cook!
Sweet and Salty Five-Spice Tofu Stir Fry
Serves 4 - 6
Adapted from 101 Vegetarian Cookbooks
Zest and juice of one lime
¼ cup hoisin sauce2 tbsp miso paste
¼ cup soy sauce3 tbsp mirin
Chili sauce, to taste
Sea salt, to taste
2 cups cauliflower florets
2 carrots, coined
1 tablespoon ginger, grated1 bunch of asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 bunch green onions, sliced
1 package oyster mushrooms, large pieces chopped
2 cusp red cabbage, shredded
1 cup edammame
2 packs 5 spice tofu, chopped
2 handfuls fresh basil, slivered
Toasted cashews
Mix together the lime through the salt in a small bowl.
Heat a wok over high heat with a bit of water. Add the cauliflower and carrots. After 2 minutes add the ginger, asparagus, and garlic. After another 2 minutes or so toss in onions and mushrooms. When that is heated through add the cabbage. When the veggies are almost tender add the edammame, tofu, bok choy, and sauce, and cook until bok choy is wilted. Stir in the basil.
Serve over noodles of some sort… topped with cashews.
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