
Ranch Pizza

Mmm, Friday pizza night!

Adapted from Mommy's Kitchen

I used this pizza crust, cooking it on the panini press
Topped with a vegan ranch dressing: tofu mayo (partially cooked silken tofu + lemon juice), a bunch of green dried herbs (think basil, majoram, oregano, etc), onion powder, and garlic powder
The came bell peppers and onions grilled on the panini press
Then tofu marinated in pinapple juice, soy sauce, and maple syrup, then grilled on the panini press
A few olives
And FYH mozzarella cheese/
All cooked together on the press.........

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! You won a copy of our upcoming book, Vegan Sandwiches Save the Day! Please email me your mailing address, and thanks for reading my blog.
