
Gourmet "Chicken" Noodle Soup

I have five tests-like things tomorrow.  That's so not cool.  And I'm getting so ready for the holidays.  I can really tell that everyone is, because tempers are getting so high and I, for one, am likely to explode.  Not to mention I have not been keeping up with this blog.
And so, I have been striving to look for the most efficient and quick recipes possible, that will keep us fed.  Because I'm getting REALLY sick of a baked potato every single day.  I love them, but still. 
And so this soup was such a welcome surprise.  It turned out really good, and was quite easy to pull off in the limited time that I have.  Actually, "good' does not do it justice.  It's amazing.  A-mazing.  I really think it's that chicken bullion stuff.  It was kind of pricy, but totally worth it, because every dish that I have added it to has turned out really good.
This soup makes enough to feed an army, too.  It's really thick, especially as leftovers, but (get this), it got soupy again when heated up.  Weird.

Gourmet “Chicken” Noodle Soup

Serves 8

Adapted from Practical Pasta and Italian by Fiona Biggs
1 ½ cups broken whole wheat spaghetti
1 onion, diced
1 ½ cups carrots, coined
2 ½ cups cauliflower florets
4 cloves garlic, pressed
6 cups water
2 tbsp “chicken” bullion
2 tbsp Italian seasoning
2 cups cooked garbanzo beans
1 vegetarian chicken, chopped
½ large bunch spinach
2 tbsp corn starch + 2 tbsp water
Freshly ground salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese

Bring a pot of water to a boil and cook pasta until al dente. Drain and set aside.
Heat a large dutch oven over high heat. Add the onion, and carrots with a bit of water and sauté for two minutes. Add the cauliflower and garlic, and sauté for five more minutes or so.
Add the water, bullion and seasonings, and bring to a boil.
Simmer for at least 10 minutes. Add the beans, chicken, spinach, pasta, and cornstarch 10 minutes before serving.
Serve, topped with salt, pepper and parmesan cheese.

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